Sell.Do creates a unique Sales_id for all the sales users present in the system. The id is used by the system in the backend to uniquely identify each salesperson.
You need the sales_id to fill-up the bulk import sheet. If you wish to assign specific leads to a specific sales user, then you would need to enter the respective sales id for each lead in the sheet.
Task Owner: Admin
Pre-Requisites: Salesperson should be active in the system.
There are 2 methods available to retrieve the sales user_id.
Method 1:
You can retrieve the sales user_id by downloading the list of user sheet, in which the sales user_id is listed for each user
On your Dashboard, click on
icon from the left panel
Click on Export box.
Click on Export Users to retrieve Sales User Id
If you wish to retrieve the entire data, lave all fields blank except for duration & Email address.
A form will be displayed.
Please mention the Date Range for the Sales user.
All the records starting from the start date to the end date of the mentioned range will get stored in the export file.
Since we are exporting Sales user records, we will select Sales option as Role.
Please select Status of the user as Active / In-Active.
Only either of the Status option can be selected for export.
Select the team of the Sales user. It could be Pre-Sales / Sales / India Team depending on the teams created in the system.
Mention the email address on which you need the export file.
Click on Export button.
A file in csv format gets mailed to the mentioned Email address.
Retain this sheet for future reference as Sales ids are unique for each individual user.
When you open the file in Excel Sheet the Sales user id can be found under User Id table. In the same row, you will be able to find all the details of the salesperson like Name/ Email / Phone [Refer above image]
Method 2:
You can retrieve the sales id from the url of the user page. Following are the steps to retrieve the sales user_id using the url.
Detailed steps to retrieve Id from URL are present in this video.
On your Dashboard, click on
icon from the left panel
Click on Users Management from the list displayed on the screen
Click on Manage Users from the list displayed on the screen
The list of all the users will get displayed.
Search for the user you need the id of
on the right side of the selected user.
Click Edit from the drop-down
You will be redirected to the user page.
In the address bar, you will see a big value,
For eg -
Copy that value and that is your required sales_id.
Once you have the sales_id for the required salespeople, you can enter it in the bulk import file and assign them a set of leads. Click here to know the format for bulk import file.
If you face any other issue with the process, please mail us at