You can view list of teams already added , with key information of each. You can manage all the details for every team. Following figure shows the list of existing teams.

  • Go to Setting Management -> Click on User management -> Click on Manage Teams 


  1. Add Team

     You can add team to manage the users in efficient way. Depending on location, projects, departments you can divide teams into more meaningful way. Also you can assign different IVR phone for each team.
    Importance of Team based IVR Phone

    If you are using a single default IVR, then there is possibility that it may be marked as spam (in services like truecaller) as all the outbound calls are from the same number. Also suppose customer contacted from tracking number X, but would get calls from tracking number Y only, as there is only one default IVR. In such case, there might be a possibility that the customer won’t pick call as it is from different number. Specially in multi-city operations, the probability of picking calls will obviously be reduced. Suppose default IVR is of Mumbai and the current promotion is for Bangalore, then customer in Bangalore will be getting call from an IVR of Mumbai and would think that the number is different (not local) & he wouldn’t pick call. For received calls also, charges would be high as STD charges will be applicable. To defeat these problems, the solution is using team-wise IVR phone, which will reduce the calls charges as well as increase probability of picking calls.

    To add team, follow the procedure below.

    • Click on the New Team to open the Add Team Form.
    • Fill the details like Name, Location and select IVR phone from the pre-loaded dropdown.
       Assigning IVR phone to a team is optional.If you don’t assign the team-wise IVR phone, then the default IVR will be used for the communication between users & customers.
    • Click the Save option to save the details.


  2. Edit Team

To make changes in existing team, you can Edit the team details. Edit Team procedure is similar to Add Team.

  • Click the Edit icon of the team which you want to edit.

  • Edit the information like Name, Location and IVR phone.

  • Click the Save option to submit the changes.